The machine service belongs to the one who has the knowledge
We value long-standing expert knowledge and make it available in an innovative way. To do this, we integrate knowledge management and assistance systems intelligently in a service solution for the first time. We digitize the knowledge of your best service experts as simply as possible. As quickly as possible, we assist inexperienced service employees to the right service solution.
Our unique FINDIQ intelligence manages the transfer, expansion and self-optimization of the knowledge base in the background.
Definition of the framework for a proof-of-concept with subsequent joint digitization of the knowledge base, e.g. for a first selected machine type.
Proof of Concept
3 or 6 month deployment of FINDIQ software for proof-of-concept with access to own test environment and immediate retrieval of knowledge base.
Application of the software to other areas of use, such as additional machine types, locations or users - without high transfer costs, with a fast learning curve.
Roll Out
Broad implementation of the software as a corporate standard with smooth integration into and adaptation to the existing service system environment.
For machine builders, operators and service providers
As a machine builder, you aim to expand the relationship with your customer after the sale of your machine via a high-quality, digital service offering.
As a service provider, you want to maintain your service performance at a reliably high level across a broad machine portfolio and a variety of service technicians and partners.
As a machine operator, you plan to stabilize your production availability by empowering your employees internally to provide fast service directly at the machine.
Did you know that the knowledge needed to diagnose and correct machine faults is the knowledge most needed but least available in service operations? Take the taboo out of machine faults. Make the expert knowledge available and free up valuable capacities.
FINDIQ is your service solution even for difficult service operations.